I ended up picking up an extra shift for some xmas cash by working on my day off. After work I went to my moms house and meet up with Sarah. We headed to my house to get ready to go out for the night. We ended up going to predrink at her friends place, and going to the bar for a bit. Around midnight Sarah aka cinderella, left to go home because she wanted to get some sleep for her shift the next day. I however was in the mood to party, and so was my brother. So i headed back over there for more drinks with him and his friends. We headed to another bar for a bit, then back to his place. I got home around 3 and headed to bed.
I was suppose to start work at 10, but that didn't go as planned. I got there a 2.. before I went over I hungover with Farmer for a bit at my bros. After my shift I went back to my brothers with Farmer and hung out there for awhile, relaxing an taking it easy seeing how I was hungover as shit. But my brother the champ, was working on round 2. So I bought a 6 pack and joined in for a grand total of 2 beers before I headed home calling it a night.
I was planning on going home and getting some much needed sleep, however more beer, food and good friends changed my mind. My friend from high school Scotty invited me over to his buddies place to watch the grey cup. Every time Im with scotty its a good time.
Just check out our faces!
I brought sarah with me, and we all had a blast laughing and drinking until about 3 am when I thought we better head home, since we both work in the AM. I ended up crashing at Amy's house last night so I wouldn't have to cab back home. So it was I had a nice visit this morning with my boys before they headed to school.
How was weekend, as
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