With my new shift starting I now have fridays off, which is pay day so it makes getting shit done easier when its your day off. That and it was awesome not having to wake up earlier to make sure everything was done before my shift started, now no need to awake up earlier! woot woot. I also went job hunting, theres not to much avilb in my area but hopefully I find something. Im also concidering going back to school. Its not like I have anything to lose, just note sure what I want to do. Blogging has changed my mind on so many things, I really enjoy it so being a writer is defenitly an option, plus how cool would it be to work for some famous magazine or something :p. After I graduated high school I took early childhood education for a year and dropped out. Im really regretting it now, and kind of wished I just stuck it out instead. So that is an option to. Later that night I went over to farmers and had some drinks and relaxed with him
I was suppose to go to work but when Farmers alarm went off, work just wasn't an option I felt like doing! I called in sick, and spent the rest of the day with Farmer. When he was driving me home later that day, he ran out of gas. I thought it was HILARIOUS Farmer on the other hand, he didn't really find it funny. When we finally got gas and back on the road (Thanks to farmers G - maw) Audri was at my house, and I hadnt seen her since my birthday party, so I was EXTREAMLY happy to see her, we ended up grabbing dinner together then I just relaxed at home for the rest of the night.
I decided going to work was a good idea, I'm trying to get fired but not this soon (concidering using unemplyoment for 2nd career options) It was only 5 hours so I figured it go by rather quickly, which it did! After work I went over to hangout with my lil brother HJay and his friends. It was good to spend time with him, I hadn't seen him in a few weeks! I spent the rest of the night relaxing at home, and enjoying the new TV I got for my bedroom :)
How was your weekend?
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