Wednesday, June 5

T'was A Great Day!

Yesterday I spent an amazing day with Hudson. We laughed all day, ate cake for breakfast, bounced on the trampoline, found a inch worm *which I thought was a baby caterpillar, oops.. *, and played soccer in the park. We were gonna go into the water at the splash pad, but it was sorta it was a little chilly still!

After playing all day, we picked up Jacob for school and then got ready for the boys to play baseball. I couldn't believe how well the team of 4 year olds played, and this wasn't Tball. All the boys 4-6 were hitting the balls, getting home runs, catching balls in the field and striking players out. MIND = BLOWN. Oh, and when Hudson was out on the field, he was doing his stretches, just like the players on TV, cutest thing ever!

Jacob totally amazed me with that arm of his. Best pitcher in my books, Johnson aint got shit on him!! Not even being bias, he went up to the mount 3 times, only let 1 run in and 1 guy got to first, other then that stroked them all out. THATS MY BOY!

Def going to miss these faces when I move away!

Todays Linkups;

Pursuit of Poppiness

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