I had the day off conviently enough because I also wanted to acompany my little brother to his first court hearing. Some jackass, speed demon, with a death wish did this to his car with my little brother in the back seat behind the passanger.
So today they reviewed all the statements, and confirmed that everyones story is still matching. BTW MORON when the crown offers you 9 months in jail for dangerous operation causing bodily harm, and dangerous operation causing bodily harm while street racing, you take it espcailly when YOU JUST GOT YOU LICENCES back @ $1400 for danergous driving now its up to the judge, good luck idiot. Maybe now you'll learn your lesson, I doubt it. I hope you lose your licences indefantily. I hope someone slams a car against a pole and tears your ACL like you did to my brother, I hope that maybe you even become paralyzed your girlfriend who was riding shot gun. I hope you get everything and more you little POS!
I worked for 10 hours, went home watch the mentalist,
= repeat. Sorry it wasnt that eventfull, but as you can imagine little stressed from Fridays events so didnt feel like doing much!
Hope everyone had a good weekend!
Happy monday...said no one!
Linking up with Molly for ..
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