What is your dream job, and why?
Social Worker.
Nothing breaks my heart more then watching a child raise in a home where ther family doesnt deserve something so wonderfull and great. I come from a samll town where it seems that kids and young adults between 15-20 care more about when there next welfare check and baby bonus will be coming in rather then caring about the child at all.
Sure those cases are nothing compare to the physical and mental abuse, but raising a child in a home where there not the number one priority is not a healthy environment point blank.
When I was younger I remember having childrens aid involed in our lifes after my mom jumped state and left me at 15. Those social workers were understanding and kind, they didnt pass judgement onto me. Honestly I had one case worker who was just a cunt. Thought it was my fault that I was acting out and making it hard on my mother. They told me I needed to learn some respect for my mother. EXCUSE FUCKIN ME, SHE. LEFT.ME.
Nothing is more impacting on a childs life then negativity, I want to me the type of person who steps in and helps the child. Who really listens to the child and has there best needs at heart. Clearly is a social worker is needed in the home, theres a reason.
Theres been to many times as well that ive seen kids who had childrens aid involed in there lift but they just clean on the days that there worker will be stopping in, and they coach there children to tell them things that arent true. The social worker has to see thru this, I mean its clear and its obvious that its not a good situation.
So I def want to be a social worker. I want to make a difference in childrens lifes for the better.
Good for you! Social workers can be some of the most impactful people you will ever know. You go do it and thank you for sharing this!