Since I went into work last thursday, and this thursay means I just spent the last 7 days straight talking to the stupidest people! So with that being said no matter how much I needed the extra money I wasnt about to work on my first day off. I lounged around the house untill I headed over to my moms house. Farmer ended up meeting me tehre and we hungout with my brother and his friends for the rest of the night.
I had to work on saturday, which completely sucked because my sister had her house warming party that night but since I couldnt get saturday off work I didnt see the point of driving into the city a few hours after the party started. Ah well, next time I guess :(. After work Farmer picked me up, and we headed back to hangout with my brother again. I was suppose to contact my cousin who just came back from Jamica, ahh well, next time. - Theres alot of "next times in this post, I know maybe next time Ill actually do what I set out to do..maybe.
Since I had the day off I relaxed in bed until about noon and started cleaning the apt and getting ready to walk to the mall and do some more christmas shopping. However after I got all ready to go I noticed it was raining out, WOMP WOMP :( Since I dont drive anymore, I sure wasnt about to walk in the rain. And since I needed to go to the store WAY down the street to get change for the bus, I figured I'd skip the whole shopping shit all together and just got a cab to my moms place for dinner. After dinner (spagetti,a fav) Farmer came over and hungout with my brother & I for the rest of the night.
Pretty boring but relaxed weekend, check back next weekend for Scottys Bday, as the invite said, be there! ..no be there or be square, just fuckin BE THERE! so I guess shits going down! cant wait, how was your weekend lil ones?
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