Found another great way to get you blog out there, and have readers find out more about you!
1. How long have you been blogging? And what got you started on blogging? Has your blog changed?
I started blogging last march, I was reading a few other blogs and thought I had alot to say so I might as well start my own blog as well.2. Did you go to college? If so where, and what did you study?
I went to Loyalist college, for a year but then I changed my mind on being a daycare teacher and dropped out.3. Where have you traveled?
No where to exciting, since I was a kid. But I love traveling so at the same time, every new place is exciting to me. So I guess London, Ont was the last place I traveled to, its a 4 hour drive.4. If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?
Not sure what I would buy, I would prob spend it on clothes.. lol I luv clothese :)5. What are your 3 biggest pet peeves?
Liars, Ppl who let others use them, dirty dishes.6. What is your favorite movie?
The notebook. Clueless. Friday. Elf.7. What is your drink of choice; wine, beer, or liquor. Or Water, Soda, Tea?
Liquor, but for everyday life water.8. What is something you enjoy to do when you have me time?
Nothing, I like to lay there in silence, maybe watch TV9. If you could have a $10,000 shopping spree to one store, which store would it be?
OMG! - ummm id say, id be the cheapest store, that way I can buy more clothes for less!10. Share with us an embarrassing moment of your past? Or present.
I really dont get embarrassed easily..11. What day would you love to relive again?
When I saw my BFF Tony for the first time in over a year.12. If your life was turned into a movie... what actor would play you?
Wanda Sykes, and no Im not a lesbian ..:)13. What are the jobs you had in high school/college/the early years?
I worked at a Zellers, Timmies, few call centers -14. Show us a picture from high school or college.
Larrissa, Moi & Renee15. If you could travel anywhere in the world, all expenses paid, where would you go?
First stop Abbotsford, BC - Next stop where ever!16. Show us the most current picture of you or you, or your family, or anything of meaning to you.
17. Where do you see your life 5 years from now?
Where god leads me, ill be okay with that!Link up with Becky, and be sure to leave me a comment and let me know you did so I can check out your answers!

I did this link up was fun! When the heck did you work at Smellers?
ReplyDeletenice :) it was fun!!! it was my very first job, then I got fired for not being personal enough and selling credit cards!! LOL it was like 7 years ago or something