Thursday night after work Farmer, Audri, & Scott came over. Scott didn't stay for long but the rest of us including the roomies ending up drinking until the sun came up, well Audri actually feel asleep way before that then Tabby..then it was get awkward so Farmer & I went to bed. I ended up not going to work Friday, %10 because of what happened the night before, and %90 because I REALLY wanted to go to the beach. So later that day Farmer went home, Audri and I met up with our friend and headed for lunch, then to beach! We spent all day there, the water was beau-ti-ful! and I def got my tan on, im like 10x times darker! After we left the beach, we picked up my roomate and head to audris place, we attempted to put up a stripper pole, while drinking..EPIC fail, called over her step dad and ex boyfriend(ya, has awkward written all over it, i know) they attempted to put up the pole but they were drunk, and then the drill died, so we gave up and headed for the bar. Where I got hit on by a guy who wouldn't stop grabbing his crotch, almost got in a fight with my roomates boyfriends, old roomate. Then outside of the bar, with some random chicks. Oh I love my small town, and all its major bull shit!
Amy came over and picked me up at 8:30am, yep that's right about 4 hours after I finally got to sleep, but I didn't mind I couldn't wait to spend time with Hudson. He's usually sleeping when I get there but Amy had to bring him with her to get me, so he was already awake and chatting up a storm, great I thought its going to be one of those days. So we ended up going to Timmies for breakfast then home for cuddle time. We ended up taking a nap, which I really REALLY needed. After the nap, we went out for a bike ride on his new big boy bike that he got for his birthday, he loves it, follow me on instagram to check out the picture :) kalleent87. Saturday night I ended up going back to the same bar that I went to the night before (yeah, its that kind of small town.) and what do you know I run into crotch grabber whose still hitting on me, but then dyeing being there the night before well grabbing himself, yeah okay buddy have another drink. Audris ex and step dad ended up at the bar, and I stopped them from getting into several fights. I also say my old roomate there, hes such a woot but I still wouldn't trade my current roomate. :)
Needless to say, Sunday was a day of rest, I finally finished watching scubs. Yeah baby all 9 seasons, yeah I know I'm a loser.
Hope everyone else had a good weekend:)
Rumours or Stix? I didn't see you at Rumours so I'm guessing Stix...convenience of the location and all ;)
ReplyDeleteLOL omg dude i had a convo with you and that hot nate dude you were standing with Friday night!!!! unless your refuring to sat, inwhich i was also at rumours HAHAHA