Wednesday, May 15

Day 15; Er day in may!

Day 15, Wednesday: A Day in the life (include photos from throughout your typical day - this could be "a photo an hour" if you'd like)

9:10 - Alarm goes off

9:20 - I realized if I dont get outa bed im not gunna have time for a shower, AGAIN

9:20 - 10:00 - I run around my house trying to get ready for work

10:10 - Im on the bus checking my msgs, and noticed I got a txt with the sex of my friends baby! I'm over the moon y'all

10:40 - I get to work, grab lunch and start my day..

1:00 - take a break, head out for a smoke!

2:40 - Amber gets here time for another break and a smoke
3:30 - 7 - Finally off work, grab the bus and head over to visit my bro

7 - 8 - hungout with my cuz korntie listening to some old school tracks, like songs by JD, Nelly, & Lil Kim there was a bunch others but I forget

8 - 9 - chilled with my Bro a little longer and headed to subway

930 - headed home to eat subway and do my nails

1050 - bed time!

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